Energy, Weather and Forecasting: An interview with Dr. Judith Landsberg

Dr. Judith Landsberg has had firsthand experience at meeting the needs and challenges of changing an energy landscape. She initially worked on implementing renewable energy in Bermuda, advocating a move from fossil fuels. A key highlight, which involved establishing an UN-endorsed environmental education program in Bermuda’s schools. This was a successfully developed program that continues to this day. Dr. Landsberg then moved to Melbourne where she led the City of Melbourne’s Low Carbon Future team that worked to develop a world first power purchase partnership with 14 diverse organisation.  

With all the knowledge that she gained from these renewable energy positions, Dr Landsberg then moved to the Bureau of Meteorology working as the project manager for the Energy Sector Climate Information Project. In this position she has seen the benefits and need for the energy sector to utilise meteorological information for its benefit. Tune in to this podcast, to find out more about how our knowledge of weather is shaping the energy industry. With Australia’s recent extreme weather conditions, significant floods and bushfires, improved knowledge and understanding is critical to ensure that we build renewable energy supplies with longevity.

 If you have any questions for Judith please send them to and we can forward them on.

Check out a recent paper that Dr. Landsberg worked on, which looks into the impact of temperature on renewable energy generation:

  • “Temperature impacts on utility-scale solar photovoltaic and wind power generation output over Australia under RCP 8.5”-Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2020



Energy, Weather and Forecasting: An Interview with Dr. Jill Cainey