June 2021 Update

The past month has been busy for us, as we are sure its been busy for you all. We have been processing the lockdown as well as been busy preparing for our exams. We hope you had a good exam period and that the odds are in your favour. We did not have any events happen in June, instead we have been busy planning our next major event, which we are now excited to announce!

2021 Student Expo: A Brighter Future

We are excited to announce that in September we will be hosting our first Student Expo: a BRIGHTER FUTURE.

We want to share and highlight the potential, skills and work of Monash students. To do that we will be giving Monash students a chance to present their research either as oral presentations, as a poster or both! If you have been working on research that will work to build a BRIGHTER FUTURE then we want you to present! It doesn’t matter if it isn’t something directly related to energy, we want to bring different research together to encourage interdisciplinary collaborations. Who knows were some connections will be made! Check our website to make sure you are eligible to present.  

Even if you haven’t done any research our BRIGHTER FUTURE expo will still be an opportunity for you to shine. Our Energyhack will be a main feature of this expo. We will be challenging you to come up with an innovative solution that will allow society to live into the future. This Energyhack will be for everyone! We know our classmates potential and know that we can make a difference, so we want ideas from business, science, law, psychology, engineering and everything else, because together we will get a solution! Registrations will open soon, so make sure to keep an eye out!

Our expo will be a great chance for you to hear more about the work of Monash students as well as see their ingenuity in the Energyhack. Even if you are not interested, able to present or participate in the Energyhack, make sure you attend the expo! This is a great opportunity to hear from your classmates and see what Monash students can do!

For more information check out the website or follow the link: 2021 A Brighter Future Expo



Vale, Chloe Monroe

The Monash Energy Club Committee was saddened to hear that Chloe Munro had passed away this week. Chloe made significant and lasting contributions to the development of Australia’s renewable energy sector.  She had an exceptional career that we found to be admirable and inspiring. She was passionate about helping to inspire students, really believing they were the future of Australian Energy. Chloe was one of our first supporters back when the club first started in 2019 and she enthusiastically helped the club, sharing her incredible knowledge and experiences.

The Monash Energy Club Committee, we would like to send our condolences to Chloe’s family and friends. We would like to thank Chloe for all the help and support she gave to the Monash Energy Club, as well as all her work and dedication to building a better future. We hope that we can honour her legacy and work, and ensure that we really do get a better and cleaner future.  

Brian Jong
MEC President 2021
